The Adelaide Fringe Vault is a user content driven website. Content includes: images, text, comments, video files, audio files, documents and links.
By signing up to the Fringe Vault and adding content, you agree to our Terms and Conditions.
As a user of the Fringe Vault you agree to:
The Fringe Vault Community
The Fringe Vault community is made of of people just like you - artists, venue operators Fringe attendees and Fringe lovers. So please don't abuse the site. We expect you to be responsible, and you can expect all of our other users to do the same.
'Report This' on the Fringe Vault
When content is marked using the 'Report This' function throughout the site, we then review the content to determine whether it violates the Terms and Conditions. We will then notify the user who uploaded the content, as well as the artist/ venue operator involved.
For more information in regards to the Fringe Vault Terms and Conditions contact: