Events - 2011
Ninuku Arts
Visual Art
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AP Bond art gallery is pleased to present recent works from Ninuku Arts. Ninuku Arts is an Aboriginal owned art centre which was established in 2006 to support local culture and the ethical production and sales of paintings. Ninuku Arts represents artists from two small communities, Pipalyatjara and Kalka in far northwestern South Australia in the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands. These two communities are surrounded by the Tomkinson Ranges. The artists from the Ninuku Art centre produce high quality art works that depict the Tjukurpa or creation stories from the artist_x0019_ s country. The term Tjukurpa encompasses religion, law and moral systems; the relationship between people, plants, animals and the physical features of the land; and the knowledge of how these relationships came to be, what they mean and how they must be maintained in daily life and in ceremony.