Events - 2011
Dr. Professor Neal Portenza's Interactive Goat Hour v2.0
Presented by:
::Attention grabbing introduction here:: Hullo madame/sir, it's Dr. Professor Neal Portenza here. I have something that may be of interest to you. A show that's unique. A show that's not safe. A show that's not predictable. A show that's very funny. Be amazed as the good Dr. Professor invites you into his emporium of mystery & awe, demonstrating his talent for magic, his race-calling story-telling, his tips for dealing with workplace trivialities & his exploding shoes made of balsa wood. Melbourne audiences had this to say: "Unlike anything I've ever seen... Triple entendre... Glenn Ridge? Like everything I've never seen... Glenn Ridge! An ocean of weirdness... Comedy of misfortune... Once-in-a-lifetime act..." ::Put FAQS here:: Q: So who is Dr. Professor Neal Portenza and why should I pay money to take part in v 2.0 of his Interactive Goat Hour? A: Dr. Professor Neal Portenza is a hopelessly unhinged, fiendishly absurd man-child who goes to hilarious physical & grammatical extremes to achieve relatively straightforward tasks. You should pay money to see it now, because his shows will only get more expensive with inflation. Q: How many props are used? A: 27 at last count. 28 if you include any one of them twice. Q: Are there characters? A: If you behave yourself. Q: Is it funny? Seriously? A: Comedy is subjective, so yes. Q: So it's stand-up? Sketch? Narrative? A: No. No. No. Q: Is it BYO cassette player? A: No, these are provided at the door. Q: What makes the show interactive? A: That would spoil the surprise :) Q: How many goats should I expect? A: Yes! Q: Tell me something else, won't you? A: If you're sick of seeing comedy that doesn't contain references to Sale of the Century's Glenn Ridge, then this could be the show for you! ::Edit this bit later:: "Another dastardly trick!" - Groggy Squirrel, 2010 Melb Fringe " ordinary performance." - Buzzcuts, 2010 Melb Fringe ::The best website on the Internet goes here::